The Robinson Professors

August 2013 Accolades

Shaul Bakhash, Robinson Professor of History, presented and chaired a meeting on “Measuring Change in Iran” at the National Defense University. He presented and chaired a meeting on “Rouhani: Challenges at Home, Challenges Abroad” at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He was interviewed and quoted on numerous occasions by the Thomson-Reuters new agency, was interviewed on KBIA-FM public radio (affiliated with the Missouri School of Journalism), and was interviewed on Context, the Woodrow Wilson Center current affairs TV program.

Spencer R. Crew, Robinson Professor of American, African American, and Public History, was interviewed by the New York Times for the essay “People Don’t Just Follow the Money.”

Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, had his most recent book, “The Story of Earth,” selected as a finalist in the Royal Society of London’s Winton Science Book Prize. The winner of this year’s prize will be announced in November.

John Paden, Robinson Professor of International Studies, served on two panels at the McGill University conference on “Religion and Foreign Policy.” He participated in the Council on Foreign Relations Fund for Peace study of violence in northern Nigeria and in the Council on Foreign Relations Advisory Council on “U.S. policy in the Sahel.” He lectured at the U.S. Institute of Peace on “Midterm Challenges in Nigeria: Elections, Parties, and Regional Conflict” and at the Institute for Defense Analysis on “Boko Haram.” He presented a full-length report on “Countering Violent Extremism in Northern Nigeria: Development Options Beyond States of Emergency” for USAID.

Laurie O. Robinson, Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law and Society, was the commencement speaker in May at the Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice. At Penn State’s International Conference on Policing in the 21st Century, she was a plenary speaker on “Connecting Science to Practice.” She presented the keynote address at the Delaware Center for Justice Annual Meeting, speaking on “Positioning Prisoner Reentry Programs for Success.”