The Robinson Professors

March 2011 Accolades

Robinson Professors

Robert M. Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences; and James Trefil, Robinson Professor of Physics, wrote an essay, “Scientific Literacy: A Modest Proposal,” which appears in the book “Science and the Educated American: A Core Component of Liberal Education,” edited by Jerrold Mainwald and John G. Hildebrand; American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2010; 57–69. The volume resulted from the academy’s project on Science in the Liberal Arts Curriculum. Hazen was a keynote speaker on “Deep Carbon Observatory” at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. He also delivered the Linnaeus Prize Lecture at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. The three-day event included a formal dinner with the president of the university, the public prize lecture on origins of life, and a symposium at the university, where he presented a second lecture on his research. He recorded segments on origins of life research for Japan Public Television and National Public Radio.

Hugh Heclo, Robinson Professor of Public Affairs, presented “Varieties of American Exceptionalism” at the Sixth Annual Ronald Reagan Symposium held at Regent University.

John Paden, Robinson Professor of International Studies, lectured to the U.S. Department of State on “Islamic Identity Factors and the Upcoming Nigerian Elections.”