The Robinson Professors

March 2013 Accolades

Spencer R. Crew, Robinson Professor of American, African American, and Public History, participated in the video segment “Underground Railroad: Network to Freedom,” which aired in the February “County Magazine” program on Channel 16, Fairfax County Government’s cable channel.


Paul D’Andrea, Robinson Professor of Theater and English, had his play “The Einstein Project” presented in February at Montana State University as part of MSU President Waded Cruzado’s “Celebrating Einstein” Fine Arts Series, which hosts events centered on the theme “Art of Science — Science of Art.”


Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, was the Linus Pauling lecturer of the Association for Science, Technology and Public Policy in Portland, Ore. He was also keynote speaker at the Gordon Research Conference on Geobiology in Ventura, Calif., and he lectured at Portland State University, the University of Arizona and Arizona State University.


Laurie O. Robinson, Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law and Society, was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Vera Institute of Justice, an independent and nonpartisan center for justice research and policy based in New York City.