Robinson Professors
Spencer R. Crew, Robinson Professor of American, African American and Public History, was an historical advisor for Songs of Freedom, which was awarded two New York State Emmy Awards. This project incorporates live action film, storytelling and contemporary arrangements of traditional spirituals to tell the exciting story of one family’s flight to freedom along the Underground Railroad. The complete project includes the film, an original storybook and website.
Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, gave lectures on “Unanswered Questions in Deep Carbon Science” at SUNY, Stonebrook; “Recent Advances in Deep Carbon Science” at Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C.; and, “Mineral Surfaces and the Origins of Life” at the Materials Research Society’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Calif. He also appeared on an NHK (Japanese Broadcasting Corporation) TV show on the “Origins of Life.”
John Paden, Robinson Professor of International Affairs, presented “Notes on the Nigerian Election” to a senior U.S. Department of State group. He also presented “Asia at Mason and Mason in Asia: Past, Present and Future” to the Mason Asia Interest Group, sponsored by the Office of Global Strategies, Provost’s Office. And he presented a lecture to the Foreign Service Institute on “Religious Identity Factors in the Nigerian Election.”
James Trefil, Robinson Professor of Physics, served as an external reviewer for the Liberal Studies program at DePaul University. He also attended the Liberal Arts Council of the Western Governor’s University in Salt Lake City, Utah.