The Robinson Professors

May 2013 Accolades

Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, presented a keynote lecture at the first International Symposium of the Earth-Life Science Institute in Tokyo, Japan, and was named to the Board of Advisors. He presented the Qualline Lectures at the University of Texas, Austin, and the Naff Symposium Lecture at the University of Kentucky, Lexington. He also lectured at Rockefeller University and at the Sloan Foundation in New York City. 

Hugh Heclo, Robinson Professor of Public Affairs, wrote a chapter titled “The Varieties of American Exceptionalism,” in the book “American Exceptionalism: The Origins, History and Future of America’s Greatest Strength,” edited by Charles W. Dunn and published by Rowman and Littlefield. At a joint Harvard/Boston College conference honoring the work of the late James Q. Wilson, Heclo presented a luncheon talk titled “Jim Wilson’s Gold Mean.”

Carma Hinton, Robinson Professor of Visual Culture and Chinese Studies, gave a lecture, “From Mao to Mozart to Requiem for the Earth,” at the George Mason University Faculty Arts Council meeting before the performance of the China National Symphony Orchestra. She gave a lecture, “Discipline and Creativity: Aspects of Chinese Aesthetics,” at the Meeting of the National Society of Arts and Letters, Washington, D.C. Chapter, at the Mason Art Gallery in connection with the exhibition Chinese Scrolls from the Collection of Dr. Chi Wang. She gave a presentation, “Wang Yizhi and Education Reform in 1960s China,” at an American Association for the Advancement of Science roundtable in celebration of Chris Gilmartine’s contribution to Chinese Studies. She gave a presentation, “The Environment and Food Safety in China,” as part of a panel titled “Food Security and Well-Being” organized by the George Mason University Chapter of Table for Two. She gave a lecture and film presentation, “Exploring China’s Cultural Dynamism through Documentary Films,” at the 2013 National Chinese Language Conference.

John Paden, Robinson Professor of International Studies, published a report for the U.S. Institute of Peace, “Midterm Challenges in Nigeria: Elections, Parties, and Regional Conflict.” He presented at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies on “The Future of Governance and Security in the Sahalian States,” and he presented at a State Department conference on Nigeria titled “Civil Society: Northern Political, Traditional, and Religious Leaders.” 

Steven Pearlstein, Robinson Professor of Public and International Affairs, moderated a panel on Competitiveness at the annual conference of the U.S. Export-Import Bank. The panel included the chief executives of Xerox, Citigroup and the Center for American Progress. 

Laurie O. Robinson, Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law and Society, received the Distinguished Achievement Award in Evidence-Based Crime Policy at the 2013 Joint Symposium of Mason’s Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy held in concert with the Scottish Institute for Policing Research. She spoke at a New York University Law School faculty seminar on the future of federal investments in criminal justice research and anticrime programs in an era of sequestration and budget cuts. 

James Trefil, Robinson Professor of Physics, recorded an interview for “Big Picture Science” in the episode “Time for a Map” that went out to radio stations and podcast sites.