
November 2015 Accolades

Spencer R. Crew, Robinson Professor of American, African American, and Public History, gave the Constitution Day program keynote speech at Marymount University on the topic “Demanding the Right to Vote: The Story behind the 1965 Voting Rights Act.” Crew was the featured speaker at a program sponsored by the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution on The Confederate Flag and the Legacy of Slavery, which also aired on C-SPAN. He was a speaker at the 50th reunion program of McKinley High School graduates about the National Museum of African American History and Culture. He also published a new book, “Memories of the Enslaved Voices from the Slave Narratives,” written in collaboration with Lonnie G. Bunch and Clement Price.

Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, conducted field studies of volcanic degassing in central Italy, and he presented a lecture on deep carbon research at the Academy of Sciences in Rome.

To watch Dr. Hazen’s presentation, Chance Neccesity and the Origins of Life, at Carnegie:

Carma Hinton, Robinson Professor of Visual Culture and Chinese Studies, was invited to present a special program at the Southeast Regional AAS regarding Anhui traditional architecture. Hinton was invited by the history department at the University of Virginia for a lecture and film presentation: “Changing Images of China in U.S. Documentary Films (1940–1972),” and the film presentation of “Gate of Heavenly Peace” at New York University law school. Hinton gave a lecture at the China Institute in New York titled “The Posthumous Life of Chairman Mao,” participated in a panel discussion at NYU law school titled “Tiananmen 1989,” gave a lecture at the Norton Museum of Art in Florida titled “Tethered Tiger, Captured Dragon―Expelling Demons from Mountain Woods,” and participated in a panel discussion at the opening of the exhibition of paintings in the collection of Chi Wang at the Mason Art Gallery.

James Trefil, Robinson Professor of Physics, presented “Scientific Methodology and Expert Testimony” at the Economics Institute for Judges, George Mason University Law and Economics Center.

Steven Pearlstein, Robinson Professor of Public and International Affairs, has written another article for the Washington Post: