The Robinson Professors

October 2011 Accolades

Robinson Professors

Spencer R. Crew, Robinson Professor of American, African American and Public History, served as town hall moderator and speaker at the 2011 American Association for State and Local History Annual Meeting in Richmond, Va.

Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, participated in a seminar on origins of life at Montana State University. He also lectured on the Deep Carbon Observatory at the Sloan Foundation in New York, and on mineral evolution at the joint Carnegie-Japan symposium in Washington, D.C., and in Pisa, Italy.

Hugh Heclo, Robinson Professor of Public Affairs, wrote the chapter, “Whose Presidency Is This Anyhow?” in The Oxford Handbook of the American Presidency published by Oxford University Press.

Steven Pearlstein, Robinson Professor of Public and International Affairs, wrote an economic review, which was published in the Washington Post, on the book “Grand Pursuit, The Story of Economic Genius” by Sylvia Nasar.

James Trefil, Robinson Professor of Physics, was interviewed for National Geographic Weekend radio as the principal science consultant for the book “Big Idea.” He also participated in the Liberal Arts Council at Western Governor’s University in Salt Lake City.

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