The Robinson Professors

September 2016 Accolades

Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, presented a lecture on the history of the Deep Carbon Observatory at the Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris. He also presented a keynote lecture on “Mineralogy of the Anthropocene Epoch” at the Geochemical Society meeting in Yokohama, Japan, and on the Deep Carbon Observatory in Paris, France. He continues to serve on the International Advisory Board of the Earth-Life Science Institute at Tokyo Tech.

Laurie O. Robinson, Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law and Society, participated in a four-hour session with President Barack Obama. She convened with leaders from civil rights, law enforcement and academia to consider “next steps” in the wake of shootings in Baton Rouge, St. Paul and Dallas. She also chaired a lunch program on police reform for Democratic National Convention delegates in Philadelphia with former Attorney General Eric Holder as the featured panelist.