HNRS 240:002 Reading the Past
The definition of family and the role of each member of that unit have evolved over the years. Often the changes are related to economic circumstances and the social mores of the society. This course will primarily examine the way the American family has changed since colonial days. In the process we will study how the responsibilities of women, children, and men have altered and why. We also will compare this with views of family operation in other selected societies such as Rome, India, China, and Japan.
In addition, the class will acquire basic skills in oral history so they can interview family members or close associates to better understand their own family history or the experiences of others growing up.
(TR 10:30 – 11:45 AM)
HIST 300:001 Introduction to Historical Methods – Underground Railroad and Abolition
The course will introduce students to the theory and practice of history. It will use the Underground Railroad and its connections to slavery and abolition as the vehicle for teaching skills in historical thinking, research, and writing. The Underground Railroad was a loose network of individuals dedicated to undermining the institution of slavery and gaining freedom for African Americans enslaved by the institution. Studying it will provide an opportunity for using historical skills and methodology to separate myth from truth in the process writing a research paper.
(T 1:30 – 4:20pm)