The Robinson Professors

April 2015 Accolades

Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, presented lectures on the Deep Carbon Observatory at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in New York City. He also presented lectures on mineral ecology at Indiana University in Bloomington, the Simons Foundation in New York and the Deep Carbon International meeting in Munich, Germany.

John Paden, Robinson Professor of International Studies, was keynote speaker in March at the U.S. War College (National Defense University) on “Postelection Conflict Management in Nigeria”; briefed senior officials of USAID on security and development issues in Northern Nigeria; worked with Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Center for Peace Studies, (Nigeria) and Mason’s School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution on implementing a USIP grant setting up postgraduate courses in conflict resolution in Nigeria; briefed senior officials at the U.S. State Department (including the assistant secretary of state for Africa) on issues of security and the elections in Nigeria; participated in a high-level roundtable at the Stimson Center on China and the United States in Africa: Can security promote practical cooperation; was a co-author of the article “Preventing Violence in Nigeria’s 2015 Election”; briefed senior scholars at the Woodrow Wilson Center on 2015 elections in Nigeria; was a participant in a funding proposal to provide training at the Foreign Service Institute on west Africa; and worked with colleagues at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies on plans for economic development in northern Nigeria.

Laurie O. Robinson, Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law and Society was named to a congressionally created bipartisan body, the Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections, set up to examine challenges facing the overcrowded Federal Bureau of Prisons. The task force will hold a series of hearings, analyze data, review program and policy options and submit a report with findings and recommendations to Congress and the president in early 2016.

James Trefil, Robinson Professor of Physics, had his newest book, Einstein’s Relativity, published by Routledge; gave a human futures talk in the Human Origin Series at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum; and was editor-in-chief of Discoveries in Modern Science (Macmillan/Cengage), a three-volume reference work.