The Robinson Professors

March 2015 Accolades

Spencer R. Crew, Robinson Professor of American, African American, and Public History, was the keynote speaker for the Fairfax County Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Foundation. He also was a featured presenter for the Africana Studies Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County on a program examining convict labor and peonage, and lectured on Benjamin Banneker at the Baltimore Museum of Industry.

Paul D’Andrea, Robinson Professor of Theater and English, was interviewed by Sarah McConnell on the National Public Radio program “With Good Reason,” speaking on what Shakespeare meant to audiences of his own time.

Robert Hazen, Robinson Professor of Earth Sciences, was a guest of honor at the opening of Meet the Trilobites, a special exhibit at the University of Arizona Science Museum in Tucson that featured specimens from his collection. The Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna) announced that a special symposium on mineral evolution will be held in his honor in May.

John Paden, Robinson Professor of International Studies, focused his efforts in February on the postponement of the Nigerian presidential election and the multistate offensive against Boko Haram. In particular, he briefed the Danish Broadcasting Corporation on the above topics and gave an extensive recorded interview. He also briefed the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom on the above topics, with a special focus on religion and conflict in Nigeria, and his U.S. Institute of Peace Special Report on the above topics became available in print version. In addition, he participated in a Concept Review Meeting for Northern Nigeria at the World Bank titled From Regional Divergence to National Convergence: Addressing the Humanitarian and Developmental Impact of the Conflict in the North East.

Laurie O. Robinson, Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law and Society, presided over four hearings around the country in January and February as co-chair of the White House Task Force on 21st-Century Policing. These sessions focused on building trust between communities and police, policy and oversight, technology and social media, community policing and crime reduction, training and education, and officer safety and wellness. Recommendations were given to President Obama on March 2.