The Robinson Professors

May 2010 Accolades

Robinson Professors

Hugh Heclo, Robinson Professor of Public Affairs, had his first book titled “Modern Social Politics in Britain and Sweden” re-published with a new introduction in the European Consortium for Political Research’s “Classics” book series. He also gave a presentation titled “Obama and Executive Power” at the conference on President Obama, National Security and Executive Power at the Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston College.

John Paden
, Robinson Professor of International Affairs, gave a presentation titled “Can the Religious Center Hold in Nigeria? Muslim Establishment Responses to Violent Extremism” at Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, conference on Religion and Politics in Africa. He also participated in a conference at the Fund for Peace on “Niger Delta Partnership Initiatives”; the Council on Foreign Relations discussions with the acting president of Nigeria; and a Council on Foreign Relations forum discussing “Nigeria: Dancing on the Brink.” He also gave lectures titled “Islam and Politics in Northern Nigeria” at the U.S. State Department and “Can the Religious and/or Political Center Hold in Nigeria” at the Academy for Educational Development.

James Trefil, Robinson Professor of Physics, gave a keynote address titled “Scientific Literacy: A Story in Three Heresies” at the American Chemical Society in San Francisco. He also reviewed three books for the Scientific and Technology section of the Washington Post.